
Who I am and what I do

I am a Registered Member of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP), having been professionally trained over seven years to help with a wide-range of issues. Talking therapy is a long-standing, effective means of helping people with their difficulties and something increasingly more people are using to their advantage.

I have been practising as a counsellor since 2015 and approach the therapy using the effective psychodynamic method, meaning I am capable of helping you more meaningfully resolve the problems you face in the present by exploring their root causes in past experiences. This can help you move forward with your life in a way that is positive specifically for you. Any aims and desired outcomes you have regarding your counselling can be discussed during your sessions.

Sessions take place on a regular weekly basis at the same day and time each week. They last for 50 minutes and depending on what is appropriate for your needs, I can offer a short-term or an ongoing long-term service. Psychodynamic counselling is open-ended and your sessions will be offered for as long as you feel you require them. You will have the opportunity to ask me any questions regarding your counselling during the sessions themselves.


Debenham, Suffolk

Sessions take place at my home address in Debenham, located in the heart of rural Suffolk. I provide my full address when arranging sessions.

The counselling room itself is a private space used solely for my work with clients. I make every effort to ensure it is a comfortable and relaxed space allowing you to make the most of your sessions.

Parking at and around my address is permit-free, but should there be limited space you may use the nearby surrounding residential roads. Clients may not use my driveway.

I politely ask that you be mindful of my other client's privacy and arrive only when your session is due to start.

I cannot allow clients to bring family members or other acquaintances with them to their sessions. This includes infants in their care.

Be aware that the space I use for counselling clients is not wheelchair accessible.

Please also note that I am unable to offer toilet facilities to my clients. However, there are public toilet facilities located less than five minutes walk away on Little Back Lane should you need them.


Free initial session for all new clients

Each weekly session  |  £50

Session fees can be paid for weekly by cash or via BACS transfer, or monthly via BACS transfer, depending on your needs. Fees are not charged in advance.

Please note that work I undertake with clients at a counselling centre may incur different a fee and may not include a free initial session.

Beginning, Maintaining and Ending Therapy

Beginning Therapy

Deciding you want counselling is a first step, but I understand that looking for a professional to talk to and contacting them can be difficult for some. There are different forms of talking therapies available and a problem many face is making sense of what therapy would best suit them. Additionally, feeling uncomfortable, or a bit nervous or simply not knowing where to start when describing things to a professional is not uncommon.

For this reason, I offer initial sessions free of charge and there is no obligation to continue counselling afterwards should you decide not to. They offer you the opportunity to ask questions about the counselling process and many find them helpful to get used to speaking about themselves.

Initial sessions also offer me an opportunity to assess whether my services are suitable for you. Although this rarely is the case, if I feel you would be better served by speaking to someone other than myself, I will discuss this with you. This starting phase may take longer than the initial session, so I ask my clients to be mindful of what they are seeking and allow themselves to settle into therapy in their own time.

When contacting me to arrange an initial session you do not need to explain or describe anything you do not want to over the phone or in an email. You are welcome to contact me on behalf of someone else, but please be aware that for ethical reasons I will carefully consider whether or not to meet with a prospective client who has not contacted me themselves.

Maintaining Therapy

Much like going to the gym, following a diet or recovering from an illness or injury, the therapy you receive from your counselling sessions with me is a process. We would spend time on the present issues you are facing and begin to understand them by exploring your thoughts and feelings around them. This will involve reflecting on the past experiences you have had, perhaps going right back to earlier experiences that have had an impact on your current situation. From there we identify together ways for you to gradually improve your situation as best as you are able by better understanding why you might be struggling in deeper and perhaps more hidden ways. I always advocate that we take the proper amount of time to explore your difficulties so that you may meaningfully process things and more effectively find the solutions that would work best for you. It is never my place to offer my own advice or coach my clients in any way. Your sessions are solely about you.

We go at your pace at all times and recognise the pitfalls found in quick and simple fixes to complex problems. You might simply need a space to speak and be listened to. The talking very much is the doing when it comes to counselling and it may be a case of allowing yourself to sit with the difficult feelings so that they may more meaningfully be resolved at their core. It is not always an easy or pleasant task to work through the problems you are facing, but using your sessions effectively is a skill that the counselling itself aims to improve over time.

I work frequently with all sorts of different people and their different experiences. Some use therapy for a few months and others for a number of years, depending on the problems they are seeking to resolve.

Ending Therapy

As much as it is about allowing yourself the time and space to talk through things, good therapy takes place when working towards an end point, even if that end point is not fully known at times. While continuing for as long as any individual client wants to have their sessions, We will be working towards a time when you would feel ready to bring your sessions to a close.

Just as your therapy sessions begin when you decide, so too is the case that you decide when to end them. When you feel ready, we can discuss the ending you would like to experience and over what time scale we would draw things to a close. We arrange a date for your final sessions and work towards it. Like anything else, we can talk about it and I will listen to what you are bringing to the finalising sessions and what ending therapy is like for you.

The door is never fully closed. Some take indefinite breaks in their therapy to assess what they have discussed, knowing they can return if and when they wish to work together again. Some end therapy and find they can move forwards without it any longer. All of this is down to each individual client and returning to therapy is always a personal choice.

Once your therapy is concluded it is my hope you take from your sessions the experience of having prioritised yourself enough to have worked through what is brought to your sessions. For myself, experiencing these positive shifts in their mental well-being alongside my clients is an enormously fulfilling and motivating aspect of my work and why I desire to do this for a living.


These are some of the things my clients have said to me about our work together.

This time last year I wasn't able to cope with things as well as I can now. It's been good to talk about it all.

~ Anonymous male client, mid 30s

This whole experience of coming here hasn't always been easy, but you've been very helpful.

~ Anonymous male client, early 40s

Thank you for allowing me to realise that I do and always have mattered.

~ Anonymous female client, mid 20s

Thank you, Will. I needed this and I'm very glad you helped me to keep going when it was tough.

~ Anonymous male client, early 30s

You're a very good listener. That alone has helped me so much already.

~ Anonymous female client, late 20s

I just want to say thank you so much for everything. I feel like you have given me my life back.

~ Anonymous female client, mid 50s

I think being able to open up and know you wouldn't judge or tell me what to do was what I found most helpful.

~ Anonymous female client, late 20s

I really understand more about myself and what I went through. I'm much more comfortable in myself now.

~ Anonymous male client, late 20s

These sessions have really helped me through a lot lately, so thank you.

~ Anonymous female client, mid 30s

You have helped me greatly in understanding more about why I am the way I am, and the steps I need to take to better myself. 

~ Anonymous female client, mid 20s

Online Reviews

For reviews left by some of my clients please see my business listing on Google.

If you are a client and would like to leave a review so that other's may more easily find my services, please click here or on the link below.